Our delivery is extremely fast and it’s FREE! It takes around 0-2 days for us to pick and pack your order then it should arrive within 5-6 business days after that!
Yes, we accept returns on all products within a 30 days order window time frame.
We always aim to make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help. Just email us directly at or call us at (+91) 9955286673 and we will answer ASAP!
Please email for all change or cancellation inquiries. Make sure to include your full name and order number. Make sure it is within the 24-hour time frame of your ordering.
If your order has already been dispatched we would not be able to cancel this order. You are still able to refund upon arrival.
Orders will be shipped to a customer in 5-6 business days. The order cut-off time is 1 pm every day.
We accept credit card/debit cards (Master, Visa, RuPay), UPI, and Net Banking.